How Having Good Manners Benefits You Your Entire Life

One of the many benefits of good manners is genuine friendships.

Some might say that possessing proper manners is out of fashion today.

But, in reality, good manners are foundational to success in many areas—largely because of the benefits they impart from childhood all the way through adulthood.

If you need a little motivation to persevere in training your children, this post is for you.

Why Good Manners Are Important in Life

Good manners, courtesy, and etiquette are the building blocks of a healthy society.

They are not only essential, they are also tremendously beneficial as we interact with each other and build relationships. That’s because manners are one significant means of expressing respect and compassion.

The underlying reason most of us practice politeness and good behavior is because we care about how our actions affect others.

Having good manners improves how you interact with people, builds good rapport, and strengthens communication skills. 

We interact with people every day, and how we behave toward them often influences their reactions toward us, whether good or bad. 

Beyond that, good manners are important because they inspire others to be kind and considerate.

It’s hard to fully grasp the chain reaction that proper conduct ignites, and all the benefits that stem from it. 

That’s why it is so important to teach our children good manners from a young age.

Could you use a resource to help with that?

Grab this list of manners to get started!

Angry girl in need of manners training

get your free list of good manners here!

10 Benefits of Good Manners (For Kids & Adults)

Ever wondered what role manners play in society? 

Imagine a world where snatching, shoving, and shouting were acceptable and ever-present.

What a sad state of society that would be.

Without manners and etiquette, the world becomes a rude and chaotic mess.

The importance of manners in life cannot be overstated, but I’d like to point out a few of the most powerful benefits. 

1. Instills Confidence

We gain confidence by identifying the right thing to do in any given situation—and then doing it. 

When you understand basic social manners, you know how to act appropriately, which helps alleviate doubt and self-consciousness.

It also protects against embarrassment over a misspoken word or inappropriate action. 

2. Makes the Best First Impression

First impressions are important. They set the stage for future relationships and opportunities.

When you meet someone new, they don’t know anything about you. Naturally, assumptions are made based on how you carry yourself and behave—both in speech and manner.

It can be an intimidating meeting someone for the first time, but having good manners eases that burden, and who knows where an excellent first impression will take you?

a thoughtful, bible-based approach to teaching good manners!

Prefer online, video-based content? Learn more about our Good Manners Course—complete with video lessons, projects, review posters, quizzes and more!

3. Opens Doors to Opportunities

Perhaps it’s a controversial opinion, but I believe good manners can open doors that even the best education cannot. 

One of the many benefits of having good manners is the unforeseen, potentially life-changing opportunities made possible by them. 

The possibilities aren’t limited to career choices, either. 

When you are mindful of others, people not only notice, but that impression of you sticks with them because of how it makes them feel

So when an opportunity comes along, it is often the polite, well-mannered individual who is thought of and called upon. 

4. Cultivates a Heart for Others

Think about manners in action. They look like:

  • Holding the door for others
  • Offering help
  • Chewing with your mouth closed
  • Making eye contact during conversation 

At the very root of good manners is a heart that is fixed on others before self. 

From this point of view, it’s clear that the benefits of thoughtful behavior extend far beyond oneself—they impact an entire society. 

5. Safeguards Against Selfishness

Selfishness ruins relationships and damages reputations.

Not only that, it breeds loneliness. After all, no one wants to be around people who only care about themselves.

But proper manners provides natural protection against such condition. Apart from “faking it,” you can’t live a well-mannered life without caring about how your actions affect others. 

It’s practically impossible to be mindful of others and selfish at the same time. 

6. Sparks Joy

There is great joy in helping others. While happiness is based on happen-stance, joy can be had no matter the circumstances. 

Deep satisfaction comes from knowing your actions and mannerisms are having a positive impact on those around you.

Good conduct is something you can feel good about, even it seems no one notices (but rest assured they do).

7. Inspires Reciprocation

We don’t practice good manners because we expect reciprocation, but it’s often a benefit nonetheless. 

  • It’s easy to be nice to others when they’re nice to us. 
  • We’re more willing to share with others when they share with us. 
  • When we serve others, they are more likely to serve us at some point. 

So while reciprocation is not our motivation, it is a particularly enjoyable advantage.

8. Lays the Foundation for Success in Life

It takes more than hard work to be successful in life. When you pair that hard work with good manners, you create a dynamic duo that can plow through any obstacle. 

Proper etiquette (beyond the dining table) is admirable, and what people admire, they also respect. 

It produces a chain reaction. Respect leads to trust, and trust is at the foundation of every solid relationship—both business and personal. 

9. Fosters Better Relationships

What kind of people do you want to be friends with? To work with?

Most likely, they wouldn’t be people who are rude, self-serving, loud-mouthed, and overall unpleasant. 

It’s natural to be drawn toward people who are polite, friendly, and mindful of others. 

Good relationships are a key to living in harmony, and social etiquette lays the groundwork to positive interactions that can eventually develop into those relationships. 

10. Makes Others Feel Noticed and Appreciated

Do you know how many people go through their day feeling invisible and uncared for? It’s heartbreaking to think about, but it’s true. 

It reminds me of a quote from the Good Manners Guide

Consider what the simple action of holding a door communicates. 

It tells others that they are worth a few moments of your time. In a world that feels busier by the minute, the gift of time is one of the greatest gifts you can give someone. 

It also tells them that you know they are there—that you see them. Every one of us has felt invisible at times. Sadly, many live their lives feeling invisible to others and even to God. Imagine the seed of hope you can plant in their hearts by simply holding the door for them—acknowledging their presence.

Just a few seconds of our time can have a profound impact on others.

How to Train Well-Mannered Children

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to develop good manners within our children.

I think it’s important to model them.

Good manners are essential in the community but also within the family. They help us relate well with others. 

Be the Role Model: Display Manners in Actions

I bet you already know it to be true …

“Do as I say, not as I do” doesn’t work.

As parents, we need to be a role model for our children and show them what good manners look like in daily life. 

We need to use the polite words we wish them to use, have the positive attitude we’d like them to have, and demonstrate appropriate behavior in a variety of situations our children are likely to encounter. 

Be Specific: Provide Examples

Etiquette is defined by rules and guidelines. However, good manners go much deeper. They involve the heart underlying our actions.  

It helps to provide specific scenarios and act out exactly what should be done. 

So be specific as you teach good manners and call attention to proper actions, reactions, behavior, and speech. 

Younger children, especially, seem to love role play. You can make a game of it! For some other fun ideas, try one of these free good manners activities.  

Or try hanging and using a manners chart like this one.

Be Consistent: Maintain Expectations

As it is with just about every aspect of raising children, being consistent is key. 

It can be tiring (and it takes patience), but setting clear expectations and encouraging and enforcing those expectations every time is essential. 

If you determine that your children should clear their plates after every meal, ensure they do so day after day until it becomes habit. 

Likewise, if you want your kids to hold the door for the elderly, step in to remind them anytime they forget. 

Your steadfastness is key to their effectiveness. 

Be Encouraging: Compliment Good Behavior

Most people love to be recognized in well-doing, and children are no exception. 

If your child remembers to say “thank you,” praise them for it! 

Or if they do something nice or helpful without being asked, recognize it publicly to them—even better if it’s in front of other family members. 

Doing so not only reinforces the good conduct but also demonstrates that their being considerate makes those around them happy. 

Good manners are crucial in society, and we need them to live in peace with others. 

Though teaching manners is best done from childhood, the benefits of manners last throughout life. 

Good behavior, etiquette, and simply being polite positively impacts everyone around you, and the advantages of that are countless—and priceless

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