Practical Ways to Show Kindness Every Day

woman showing kindness by helping the elderly

The concept of kindness is simple enough. 

To be kind is to be considerate of others—their wants, needs, and interests. 

How do you show that kindness in everyday life, though?

Opportunities to practice kindness are everywhere. We just need to look for them! 

That said, here are a few ideas to inspire you.

1. Practice Good Manners Always

Make it a point to say “please” and “thank you” to everyone, whether they are a cashier at the local grocery store or your own children.

Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. 

These two simple phrases can have a profound impact on your day-to-day interactions. 

Let’s not underestimate the value of such kindness in life nor how something as simple as manners can contribute to it. 

a thoughtful, bible-based approach to teaching good manners!

2. Notice Others

It’s all too easy to get wrapped up in our own concerns and busy schedules. One easy way we can show kindness is to notice others. 

Comment on their beautiful smile, their outfit, or their new hairstyle. Congratulate them on a job well done—even if it’s just how they packed your groceries. 

Make them feel like they possess intrinsic value.… because they do.

You’ll never know how this kindness can affect someone’s life.

3. Send Letters of Encouragement

If you know someone who is struggling, consider sending them a letter of encouragement. 

Most of us have smartphones and an abundance of texts and emails, so a handwritten letter tucked inside a mailbox stands out as special. 

It shows you’ve taken the time, thought, and energy to reach out. 

In this day and age, a handwritten letter is something people will read and reread, receiving a fresh blessing every time they do so. 

4. Offer Help Without Being Asked

Lending a helping hand is always nice. But helping before help is even requested exhibits an added measure of kindness. 

It doesn’t have to be difficult. For example, a simple way to show kindness and care for others is to hold the door open for the person behind you. 

You could also pay for someone’s meal or groceries. 

There are plenty of ways to help, and you never know how these small acts of kindness can brighten and transform someone’s day.

5. Smile

Don’t underestimate the power of a smile! You don’t have to do a big act of kindness every day in order to be kind. 

Something as simple as smiling can be extremely encouraging, especially in the era we’re living in. 

6. Be Present

I’m afraid social media has stolen our presence. 

Our society as a whole is more concerned with being active on the latest platform than actively loving our neighbor.

People can tell when they don’t have your complete attention. If we’re not careful, we can unintentionally make someone feel as if they are a distraction or unimportant.

An easy way to protect against this is to give others your eyes and ears while you are with them. 

7. Give as You’re Able

I think we can all point to a time when we faced a need. When someone steps in to lighten your load, it’s a kindness you feel to your core. 

What a blessing it is to be that burden-bearer for someone else!

Whether it’s hand-me-down clothes for the kids, a home-cooked meal, or financial assistance with a bill, a little help goes a long way. 

These acts of kindness examples are just ideas to get you thinking about areas where you can make a difference. 

8. Reach Out “Just Because”

Do you know someone who lives alone? Do you have a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while? 

There’s something very special about getting a call from someone “just to talk.”

It can take a person from feeling forgotten to valued and appreciated. 

It’s a demonstration of kindness that only takes a few minutes of your time but pays dividends for days or even weeks to come. 

9. Buy Someone’s Groceries

When you’re looking for ways to show kindness, don’t overlook the basics. Consider buying groceries for someone who could use a little help. 

Many people are stuck indoors or face limited transportation for one reason or another.

One easy way to be a blessing to such people is to deliver groceries to their doorstep. 

If you don’t know anyone in that type of situation, try paying for the person behind you at the supermarket.

10. Give Sincere Compliments

A compliment is a wonderful way to help someone feel better about themselves. 

It’s nice to be recognized. Compliments tell us we are seen. In a way, they help counteract those feelings of invisibility that so many people struggle with. 

Actively look for the good in someone’s life. 

What do they do great? 

What is their talent?

Look for it, then let them know you notice. 

Check out this post for more simple and practical kindness activities.

11. Make Others Feel Comfortable

If you’ve ever walked into a room and didn’t know anyone, you probably felt a little awkward. 

Making it a point to help newcomers feel welcome is an example of showing kindness even in little ways. 

Introduce yourself, and invite them to sit with you. Even a simple smile and “hello” can help others feel more comfortable in a new setting.

12. Show Understanding and Empathy

When someone is suffering, showing a little understanding can help them feel that they’re not alone. 

Imagine yourself in their shoes, so to speak, and reach out with compassion and kindness. 

Whether they’ve lost a job, a loved one, or they’re feeling under the weather, empathy is a practical way to show kindness in everyday life.

13. Be Mindful of Other People’s Schedules

Be kind—be on time.

It may seem strange to relate punctuality to kindness, but it’s all about being mindful of other people, and that includes their time. 

14. Show Genuine Interest

Take interest in the lives of those around you. 

Want to know how to demonstrate kindness with little to no effort? Show genuine interest in things that matter to people.

Too often, we only half listen. We need to be intentional about actively listening to and engaging in the lives of those around us. 

Ask about that test your daughter told you she was worried about. 

Call a friend to see if they’re feeling better. 

We can show kindness by showing interest.

15. Apologize Quickly

To be sure, we’ve all wronged someone at one point or another. 

Maybe we forgot an important commitment, or we inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings. 

Whatever the case may be, we should be quick to apologize—and do so sincerely.

16. Say Thank You Often

When someone does something for you, don’t forget to thank them. 

Nobody wants to feel like they’re not appreciated or that they’re being taken for granted. 

A nice “thank you” is a wonderful way to let someone know that you appreciate them and the things they do for you.

17. Run Errands for Someone

Do you know someone who is always busy and short on time? Maybe you know a single parent or an elderly person who has trouble running their errands.

This is a great addition to add to your random acts of kindness list.

18. Recognize Needs and Meet Them When Able

When you pause to consider the needs of others, you’ll find plenty of things you can do to help. 

These small acts of kindness and love are sure to be appreciated. It can be as simple as helping someone clean up their spill or as significant as cleaning the home of a disabled friend. 

19. Clean Up After Others if Needed

If you’re wondering how to show kindness to family, consider cleaning up after them. 

You don’t have to be their personal maid service, but consider clearing their plates, folding their clothes, or even doing a chore they were supposed to take care of.

Opportunities to show kindness in our day-to-day lives often present themselves in the meager and mundane moments.  

Let’s take advantage of them!

20. Give Someone Your Place in Line

We’ve all been there….

We go to check out at the store and the line is incredibly long. 

Or how about this scenario?

The person in front of you has a basket brimming with items, and there you are holding just one or two things. It’s a tad frustrating, isn’t it?

You can show kindness in your community by graciously allowing someone to go in front of you.

It sends a message that you consider them and their time just as important as yours. 

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